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Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to the new term.  I hope you all enjoyed the wonderful weather we had over the summer and your children are ready for new challenges.


Congratulations to all my pupils who took their Cecchetti ballet exams, we had a 100% pass rate.  Their certificates and reports will be presented at the end of their class so please bring your camara.  I will put a note on the door when this is to be.

Congratulations also to all my GCSE & A level pupils.  We shall miss those going off to university but remember you are always welcome back in the adult ballet class!


There are no covid policies in place, but I do request that no one comes to ballet if they have covid. Please could you inform me if your child tests positive having been to class so I can inform the other parents concerned.



This term’s plans

Having had 2 terms of exams during the last academic year we will not be doing exams this year.  I am pleased to announce that at long last we will be starting work on a ballet show which takes place on the 25th March.  The show will be The Lion the Witch & The Wardrobe.  I suggested my pupils read this wonderful book over the summer holidays.  There is also a wonderful DVD, and, I have since found out, it is currently showing in the West End (great minds think alike!!)

Classes will continue as usual but there will be time during the class when I start working on the choreography.  Putting on a show is a huge undertaking on my part, and a big financial outlay which will hopefully be offset by the purchase of tickets.  There will be a lot of information coming your way regarding the show so please read my emails carefully and respond when needed asap. I will also use social media to post reminders about it so if you have not signed into the ABC ballet school’s FB or Instagram page please do for ease and convivence. I will of course put updates on the website.


Coming prepared for class next term

I have already spoken to the girls to say that hair must be in a ballet bun. This means using a hairnet and proper bun pins.  If you can get the thick hair nets, they will obviously last longer.    If your daughter’s hair is too short, then they must have a hairband that is gripped on securely.  I am happy to give lessons at the beginning of term!  The correct uniform needs to be worn, especially for the exam pupils, which includes a waist band for pupils who no longer wear their ballet skirts.  I will have these for sale next term.   Seniors may wear tight fitting shorts; all tops need to be figure hugging and above the hips.  I believe by dressing the part they will feel the part!



Watching Classes

There is no watching of classes until the last day of term, visiting relations are always welcome if briefed in advance.

Parents of new pupils can watch the trial lesson; parents of pre-school children can stay until they settle. Once your child has settled, I will expect you to leave also, however, there is a room behind the stage you can wait in. 



Uniform needs to be pre-ordered and will be ready for collection on the stage, payment where possible online otherwise exact cash in envelope clearly marked.   Seniors must arrive 10 minutes early and use the changing room behind the stage as before.

I will be fitting shoes on the first day for pupils starting tap and new pupils who need ballet shoes.


Duke of Edinburgh

Seniors who are doing their DOE awards may use dance for their physical and they may also assist me with the younger children for their volunteering.  Please let me know if there are any seniors who would like to volunteer next term.

I have some older students who have already offered to assist with the younger age groups.  Miss Ameille & Miss Cherry will be on a Thursday, Miss Grace, Miss Imogen & Miss Laura will be assisting on Saturday mornings.  



Please check uniform fits before the term starts, especially shoes.  We do a swap system for tap shoes; the 2nd hand box will be out, but you can also let me know in advance and I will reserve them for you.  If you would like to order anything pop it in an email, prices are on the website.  Remember to go one shoe size bigger for ballet shoes.  All secondary school pupils will have split sole shoes which are £14. 


Last, and most important of all is that your child’s welfare is so important to me so please do let me know if you have any concerns. If you would like to contact me, please either email, whatsapp, or text and I will respond as quickly as I can.

Miss Alison


As well as these classes, do stay in touch with us through our social media accounts!
We will be posting new content such as ballet exercise videos, stretching and flexibility videos,
home workouts, fun challenges & more!

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