Finally, after a lot of research, webinars and zoom sessions with other dance teachers, and formulating a risk assessment, I have at last got to the point where I believe we can restart ballet classes! Thank you for your patience on this but of course things could change at any time! Please bear with me again as I run through the following essential requirements to enable us to open the school and operate it safely and responsibly in the light of COVID-19 restrictions.
The 'Returning to Ballet' video below MUST BE WATCHED by both you and your child before you return, and the safety measures put in place must be adhered to, otherwise I will be obliged to prevent your child from continuing. I am particularly thinking of older pupils who will be arriving on their own, wanting to chat to friends they may not have seen for a long while!
Essential points to remember:
No parent/carer may remain in the Hall – drop off & pick up only in a one-way system.
Parents: you must wear a mask while you are in the ballet hall. One parent/carer only and no extra children.
There will be no changing rooms available or changing facilities for primary school children therefore they must change before arriving. If coming straight from school and cannot change, there they will be able to wear school uniform.
If you could provide them with a chiffon scarf that would be amazing!
When arriving there will be a marked place for bag with water & ballet shoes, no tap shoes until further notice. All other bags, coats, umbrellas must stay with parents.
My ballet shoe box will NOT be available so please make sure your child has ballet shoes that fit. You can order them on I will not be selling any uniform.
Please make sure your child goes to the toilet before arriving. Of course, there will be one toilet available that will need to be cleaned down before another may use it.
To begin with there will be no pianists so I will need a volunteer for every primary class to stay and also help on a rota. Please let me know asap if you are able to help in this way?
I will be teaching from the stage and will have to remain in my space as do the children in their dedicated 2-metre “ballet squares”.
You must check that your child has not been feeling ill that day. If your child has a cold they will need to stay away.
Having watched the video you must make sure your child is happy with what is going to happen. Please keep reminding them several days before coming to class.
If I need to phone you to collect your child early you must wear a mask on entering the building.
PLEASE MAKE SURE I HAVE YOUR CURRENT MOBILE NUMBER, and any change of email address.
You must not enter the hall until the time given to you below. The previous class needs to leave before another class can enter and I will be cleaning between each class.
Please note that the windows and doors will be open so we will have to see how this goes when it gets colder. Make sure your child has something warm to put on.
If coming straight from school you may use the downstairs toilet to change only, not the corridor, kitchen or upper room. You will need to wipe down any points of contact with wipes available.
You must arrive one at a time and no socialising in the hall. If the toilet is in use, you will need to wait until they return to the hall before going down.
Once changed you come straight to the barre and put your belongings under the barre. It will be one person per barre (each barre is 2 metres long). I will have turned around chairs, again 2 metres apart for additional barres so it is important you swap round each week to give everyone a fair turn on the barres!
Please could you bring a rolled-up yoga mat, or a large towel, and also a tennis ball, (the pound shop sells them). If you have an exercise band that would be great.
Please note, bare feet are not allowed at any time.
If we still have to keep the windows open when it’s cold you may wear a tracksuit but please no baggy tops!
Please will you talk to me how you are feeling/doing. Make sure you have my mobile number and text me!
Staying in contact:
I will be providing regular updates on the school’s Facebook page and on the landing page of the school’s website. Please make every effort to access one or other of these sites as I will be giving you updates on a regular basis.
Your child is really important to me so PLEASE DO stay in touch, especially if you have any concerns and I will of course contact you if I have any concerns myself. Because of the tight timings and need to clean the hall between classes, I will NOT be in a position to chat to you at the ballet hall. However, please DO email or text me and I will contact you at the earliest opportunity. It is really important I am made aware of any problems or worries your child may have, especially concerning the current situation. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult it must be for the children.